I tweet my owns views on Twitter, I shoot photos for my Instagram page and I write my posts on Facebook. Do you have ten minutes to check them out?
I tweet my owns views on Twitter, I shoot photos for my Instagram page and I write my posts on Facebook. Do you have ten minutes to check them out?
Short essay on Hungarian cultural sector’s reaction to the conflicting political climate in in Kann Kultur Politik? Kann Politik Kultur? anthology by the Institute of Cultural Policy and Cultural Management, University of Applied Arts, Vienna (ISBN 978-3-11067980-9).
I represented aHang (the Voice) platform in Hungarian and international media:
Women’s rights in Hungary: https://www.bastamag.net/Natalite-famille-patrie-comment-Viktor-Orban-renvoie-les-femmes-hongroises-au
Anti-hatred action in Budapest/Hungary: https://www.bastamag.net/JCDecaux-afficheur-officiel-de-la-campagne-de-communication-anti-migrants-de
In Hungarian only:
Local elections in Budapest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xmA1mNwVTc
Home care campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE16WxJzi8Y (selfie by the Parliament in 2018)
Free beaches at Lake Balaton campaign: https://magyarnarancs.hu/lokal/a-kormanyelit-szorakozohelyeve-valik-a-balaton-egye-szukebb-retegnek-lesz-lehetosege-a-magyar-tengernel-nyaralni-112814
Free media campaign: https://index.hu/kultur/media/2018/05/03/a_fuggetlen_kozmediaert_tuntettek_az_mtva-szekhaz_elott/
I represented Krétakör Foundation as a spokesperson for almost two years, and in 2017 I was a volunteer spokesperson of the ‘Civilizáció’ (civil heart) initiative. (selfie by the Parliament in 2017) https://www.euronews.com/2017/05/29/hungarians-hold-a-peaceful-picnicprotest-against-ngo-reform https://www.la-croix.com/amp/1200859132 (FR)
In Hungarian:
Tilos Rádió: 2017.04.14.
ATV- Henrik angyalai, guests: L.Ritók Nóra, Törley Kata, Papp Dóra 2017.04.17. http://www.atv.hu/musorok/henrik-angyalai
I contributed to op-eds in Hungarian and English on the fight for Hungarian CSOs, the longstanding activism against the populist government through Krétakör’s example, and the Human Rights First’s report.
About the responsibility of institutions after #metoo in Hungary in 2017 (in Hungarian only): http://kettosmerce.blog.hu/2017/07/26/civil_tejberizs_van_kiut_a_gyuloletkeltes_valsagabol https://merce.hu/2017/11/07/allamilag-tamogatott-eroszak-az-eloado-muveszetben/
London, January, 2020: Speaker at Index on Censorship’s magazine launch
More at: https://www.indexoncensorship.org/2020/01/macho-male-leaders-stifle-dissent/
Berlin, November, 2019: ’89 Europe ’89: The promise recalled at the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
More at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkBQMCV06Z0
Budapest, March, 2019: (Mis)performing World Politics at the Central European University
Budapest, July, 2018: Sommeruniversität: Der Donauraum im Fokus – Grenzen und Identitäten - Andrássy Universität
Ljubljana, December 2017: Panel on shrinking of civil society space organised by the Focus Association for Sustainable Development
http://www.sloga-platform.org/the-situation-for-civil-society-in-hungary-and-poland-is-alarming/ (from 15:12)
Tallinn, November 2017: Panel discussion - Protecting the freedom of association at the Forum on State of Civil Society and Civic Space in Europe
Brussels, November 2017: Panel discussion – Governing with Populists at the International network for contemporary performing arts (IETM)
Praha, October 2017: Emergency Briefing, Divadlo a svoboda - Evropa ve 21. století
Vienna, March 2017: Kulturpolitik und Rechtspopulismus/Cultural Populism and Rightwing Populism, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Hungarian and international media outlets used my photos several times over the past years. See photo gallery ››
Home care silent action in the Hungarian Parliament in 2018
Civil heart campaign kick-off, sit-in in the Parliament in 2017